Frequently Used Win32 Data Types
CALLBACK | Replaces FAR PASCAL in application's call back routine. |
HANDLE | 32-bit unsigned integer that is used as a handle. |
HDC | Handle to a device context. |
HWND | 32-bit unsigned integer that is used as the handle to a window. |
LONG | 32-bit signed integer |
LPARAM | Type used for declaration of lParam. |
LPCSTR | LPCSTR is the same as LPSTR but is used for read-only string pointers. |
LPSTR | 32-bit pointer. |
LPVOID | A generic pointer type. It is equivalent to (void *). |
LRESULT | Used for the return value of a window procedure. |
UINT | An unsigned integer type |
WCHAR | A 16-bit UNICODE character. WCHAR is used to represent all of the symbols for all of the world's languages. |
WINAPI | Replaces FAR PASCAL in API declarations. |
WPARAM | Used for the declaration of wParam. |
HINSTANCE | Handle to the current instance |
Frequently Used Win32 Structures
MSG | Defines the fields of an input message |
PAINTSTRUCT | Defines the paint structure used when drawing inside a window |
RECT | Defines a rectangle |
WNDCLASS | Defines a window class |