------adb command----------------------------------------
adb bugreport
adb version
adb shell getprop
adb reboot bootloader
adb continue
adb pull /proc/aboot_log .
adb shell ps com.qisda.viva
adb shell rm -r storage/sata0/US
-----fastboot command------------------
fastboot oem all_var Qon
fastboot getvar all_var
fastboot flash passport fastboot.exe
fastboot oem ftd Qon
fastboot continue
fastboot flash passport xxxx
fastboot oem all_var Qon
fastboot oem all_var Qoff
fastboot getvar all_var
fastboot getvar all_var
fastboot dump dprintf dprintf.bin
fastboot dump Qfa abctest
fastboot oem ftd Qon
fastboot reboot (進adb後啟動ftd)
fastboot dump Qfa@0+512...
adb shell getproperty ro.ftd.socket = 確認ftd是否已啟動
adb shell start = 啟動zygote for mmiem
adb shell start ftd = 啟動ftd
adb shell ps ftd
ps | grep zy = 查詢zygote是否活則
sz_command = 0x05f1e4f0 "dump:Qfa@0+512" (PreDL readfa)
oem write Qfa 0 255 Dan6673Dan,01,1234567891,Undefined,Undefined,GT47B1A,0000000000000000000000,Undefined
fastboot dump dprintf dprintf.bin
fastboot dump dprintf QL1Log T47_24.log
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