2016年11月15日 星期二

[TOOL][project][cmd]fastboot cmd, adb cmd

Fastboot cmd


-----fastboot command------------------

fastboot oem all_var Qon

fastboot getvar all_var

fastboot flash passport fastboot.exe

fastboot oem ftd Qon

fastboot continue



fastboot flash passport xxxx

fastboot oem all_var Qon

fastboot oem all_var Qoff

fastboot getvar all_var

fastboot getvar all_var


fastboot dump dprintf dprintf.bin

fastboot dump Qfa abctest


fastboot oem ftd Qon

fastboot reboot  (adb後啟動ftd)

fastboot dump Qfa@0+512...



sz_command = 0x05f1e4f0 "dump:Qfa@0+512"  (PreDL readfa)

oem write Qfa 0 255 Dan6673Dan,01,1234567891,Undefined,Undefined,GT47B1A,0000000000000000000000,Undefined

fastboot dump dprintf dprintf.bin

fastboot dump dprintf QL1Log T47_24.log



Adb cmd



adb shell getproperty ro.ftd.socket = 確認ftd是否已啟動



adb shell start = 啟動zygote for mmiem

adb shell start ftd = 啟動ftd

adb shell ps ftd


ps | grep zy = 查詢zygote是否活則




1.          Boston

2.          Detroit

3.          U24

4.          Chicago

5.          QC1, Dublin

6.          iF1

7.          F5

8.          F80

9.          a3s

10.      T47

11.      F52


[business travel]

1.          Report Lion20120301_20120317.doc

2.          Report Lion20120325_20120408.doc

3.          Report Lion20120709_20120809.doc

4.          Report Lion20130122_20130205.doc

5.          Report Lion20130320_20130410.doc

6.          Report Lion20130808_20130821.doc

7.          Report Lion20130916_20130929.doc

8.          Report Lion20140418_20140424.doc

9.          Report Lion20141028_20141109.doc

10.      Report Lion20150121_20150204.doc

11.      Report Lion20150329_20150427.doc

12.      Report Lion20151005_20151101.doc

13.      Report Lion20160216_20160309.doc


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